Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Welcome to my blog!

It is currently 1:11 AM, and I have school tomorrow, but I cannot sleep so here I am, starting the blog I've been thinking about for a while now. I know there are more popular blogging websites I could use, but I am not doing this to try to get people to care about what I say, I am starting it for me. I could have 0 people following this blog and be happy with it once I have worked out the kinks. It would appear that tab doesn't need to be in blogger, oh well. I'll get it figured out. As for what I will be doing on this blog, I will NOT be reviewing games, I will NOT be making lets play entries, I will play games. by myself, or maybe with a good friend, and then share my feelings on it. How it made me feel. I will not be assessing the game as a critic. This is all about my personal feeling of the game, and it's story. Spoilers will have a warning. That's all for now, all of the o people reading this :)